1) If giving a speech to an group of strangers, the best way to open your talk, establish your credibility or authority, and engage the audience is to:

    2) In a presentation, the best place to put your key message is:

    3) If you don’t know the answer to a question asked by your audience, your best strategy is:

    4) Unless it’s a solemn occasion, telling a joke is almost always a good idea because:

    5) It’s a good idea to use Powerpoint or other visual aids because:

    6) As audience members we are affected by visual and auditory impressions as well the actual content of a presentation (the information presented). According to some famous research, the relative magnitude of these impacts (from greatest to smallest) is:

    7) One of the best ways to deal with nervousness or “butterflies” is:

    8) As a speaker the single most important thing for you to consider is:

    9) At the end of your talk, if you ask for questions and the audience is silent, the best thing to do is:

    10) The best time to distribute hand-out materials is:

    11) Some studies show that after 24 hours an audience forgets about ____% of what they heard, and after 2 days about ______%.

    12) In a sales presentation or interview, which approach is generally the most effective?

    13) As a presenter, what should you do with your hands while speaking?

    14) Generally, the best way to end a “persuasive” (vs. “informative”) presentation is to:

    15) When speaking to an audience that is skeptical or generally disagrees with your position, the best approach is to:

    16) The biggest pitfall or danger with PowerPoint slides is:

    17) The most common problem with most team presentations is:

    18) The writer Maya Angelou once said, “An audience will likely forget much of what you say, but they will remember….:”

    19) When addressing a large audience, a speaker should try to make eye contact with:

    20) Who was it who said:
    If it’s true that the fear of public speaking is even greater than the fear of death, then the average person at a funeral would rather be in the casket than delivering the eulogy.”

    What public speaking issues concern you most? Check any or all and add any notes or questions you’d like to discuss.General nervousness—the jittersOrganizing my informationInvolving my audienceMaking “dry material” interestingUsing my voice effectivelyPhysical presence (e.g., knowing what to do with my hands, etc.)Handling questions and answers (Q&A)Designing or using visual aidsProjecting more authority

    Other area of concern?